Transition Coaching

Sometimes life has a way of getting in the way of what we want

… and we let it

When was the last times you stopped to reflect on whether or not your life, your daily schedule and priorities were really working for you … on all levels?

Discover all that’s really working for you:

Oftentimes I notice that we don’t give ourselves credit for things that are working, commitments we’ve made to our growth, doing things really well because they were important to us.  Sadly, when we don’t focus on our strengths we have a tendency to forget and sometimes our best qualities can get lost or even compromised.

For myself, I know that exercising is truly cathartic: I get rid of so much gunk in my body and mind AND I solve all the problems of the world… or at least those problems that spiral in mine.  Then, all of a sudden my life gets a tad more chaotic and demanding and I let my exercise slide.    For me the truth is that I am not as quick, not as clever, not as focused.  Stewing over problems doesn’t fix them but adds to stress.

So knowing what’s good and healthy for me, can make all the difference in my world and doesn’t take any additional time… not in the long run.

Explore the facets that are getting sidelined, forgotten or compromised … and understand the impact:

So many examples here, but a big one that comes to mind is our relationships. Are we talking and sharing; have technology and social media taken the place of date night, conversations and dinner chat? Relationships need nurturing and attention. We can travel down a path where we haven’t paid enough attention and sadly, there aren’t any do-overs with friends, extended family, our children or our significant other.

Define shifts in thoughts and energy that better reflect your values:

What do you want for you? When was the last time you thought about it? Things like self-care, money, career, personal growth, your home, your loved ones? Are you willing to make a different commitment to any of these areas, change some habits, set into motion the actions and thinking that will get you closer to that wish you really long for?

Many decades ago, I started smoking.  As I got older, of course, I knew better and was experiencing bad effects in my health.  I had tried to quit so many times. I use to joke “All good smokers have quit at least once.” Sadly, quitting never lasted … until it did. It required a major shift in my focus and belief system and plain ol’ perseverance. I won. I can say today that I have been a non-smoker for over a decade. That’s HUGE and AMAZING and is so much more in keeping with the person I want to be.

Utilize tools, establish new habits and create measurable benchmarks to help keep you on course:

No one said it would be easy, but what if it were? I think sometimes we don’t get what we want because we are not crystal clear on what we want and we don’t have ways to track our results.  Clearly, I counted the days that I hadn’t smoked, then I counted, weeks, months until now I can count the years.

Don’t let fear stand in your way; as a colleague used to say “No stinkin’ thinkin’”. Be mindful of your thoughts and belief system.  Let them be perfectly in synch with your goal.

Don’t let the lack of good planning and priority setting hinder your progress. One of my favorite books for shifting behaviors is Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Successful People. He would counsel you to Habit #3: Put First Things First.

Finally :

Believe in yourself. There is nothing more powerful and energetically attractive that someone who is clear in their life’s path.  It will serve you your whole life.

I Am

I Can

I Create
